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Dear Reader,

This blog came to life out of my frustration for a love I gained and lost. It reflects the things I have gone through so far. The emotions I felt are also expressed in words here, be it good or bad. It also aims to give sense to all the things that has transpired in my life for the past few months.

I hope no one will be offended by some of the situations I describe in my post. In line with this, I do not aim to character assassinate anyone I describe on any of my post. I simply try my best to present what I see and feel.

Enjoy reading.



A View on Courage

19 days. I am almost half way my 40 day journey of searching from within myself to find true treasure- love and passion.

I just posted yesterday how we should take courage when in love or when love leaves us instead. But while I was thinking of something worthwhile to write about, I reminisced on this very inspiring story that has always lead me to stand up after every fall. It was the story of a girl who had a mountain of courage to pursue something she was so passionate about. 

Have you ever dared to dream and prove that anything you put your mind into is possible? If you have, then wait until you here this girl's story. Her name is Ashley Cowan. Ashley proves that  anything is possible if you put your heart into something every day of her life.

This is how her story starts and how it inspires me.

It was back in 2001, which was one of the most trying times of my life if we recall my previous post, when I heard of her story. I can still remember I was watching television through one of the local channels in the Philippines where her story was featured.

On September 7, the 15-year-old Canadian girl (Ashley Cowan) swam across the 20-kilometre wide Lake Eerie to become the youngest woman to ever cross it. Swimming across the lake took Ashley a little over 15 hours to finish. Even her coach, Vickie Keith, and their team who supported Ashley through this challenge expressed how proud they were of her to have accomplished such feat. They even said that there were times Ashley wanted to stop, but they added that she toughed it out. But what is most remarkable about this young woman was her big heart. Why? Let me tell you one very important thing about her. Ashley Cowan is a quadruple amputee because of Meningitis that she contracted when she was 15 months old. Let me point it out again, she had no arms and legs. And yet she accomplished what seemed impossible for most of us.

To this day, her life story continues to be an inspiration. When I think of her story it makes me feel that nothing is impossible, especially when you put your heart and mind to doing something. She is an epitome of great courage.

I wonder if we can have the same big heart and concentrate on the things that matter to us. I wonder what kind of amazing things we can offer the world. How the world can be such a wonderful place because of it? Maybe we can also have a big heart full of courage? If we desire and choose to wield it.


See feature and full stories about her by clicking on the links below:

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for all the comments! May it be good or bad, offensive or not, I really do appreciate it! We learn from our mistakes. God also gives each one of us a chance to change. This blogs stands witness to this fact.
