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Dear Reader,

This blog came to life out of my frustration for a love I gained and lost. It reflects the things I have gone through so far. The emotions I felt are also expressed in words here, be it good or bad. It also aims to give sense to all the things that has transpired in my life for the past few months.

I hope no one will be offended by some of the situations I describe in my post. In line with this, I do not aim to character assassinate anyone I describe on any of my post. I simply try my best to present what I see and feel.

Enjoy reading.



Hate is Easy, Love takes Courage.

18 days of thinking. 18 days of re-evaluating my life. Finding things that matter. Learning from lessons I gained along the way. But one thing still remains, my love for the person I recently lost to another man. I love you still!

I never really explained why I placed the picture banner that says “Hate is easy, Love takes courage...” in my blog titles background. So let me take time to explain why.

Through the course of losing my ex-girlfriend to this date, I have been flooded with multitudes of kinds of emotions.  It chokes me sometimes to the point of drowning and completely losing myself. One of the emotions that flooded my entire being, which I detest so much, was anger. It streamed out of the hate I felt for her, who left me to dry and live on my own now. It was primarily due to the lies she spat on my face while we were still together. Along the way to recovery, I realized on one of the days when I was thinking of everything that has happened; how easy it was for me to retaliate and hate her even if I still felt something for her. Evil simply makes it easy to take vengeance. To keep the love and restrain the ill feelings that rouse me to take revenge was what I felt would be better. I don’t want to sound like a masochist. Enjoying the pain or suffering dealt by my lost was not my cup of tea, because how can you take vengeance on someone you once love so easily. Vengeance was not mine to deal. A higher being wields it, but not me. I guess there is no fair explanation why vengeance can’t easily be done, unless you are overcome by evil. Love simply takes courage for those who hurt and got hurt.

I remember this line I usually quote from the movie “The Kingdom of Heaven”, which goes; “By what you decide to do every day, you will be a good man.” This may apply to all. Our decisions define us. Thus, I have decided to love her still but not take vengeance. Her love and God’s love will lead me to the shores of whoever life has in store for me to hold. At least, for this lifetime. My true love.


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