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Dear Reader,

This blog came to life out of my frustration for a love I gained and lost. It reflects the things I have gone through so far. The emotions I felt are also expressed in words here, be it good or bad. It also aims to give sense to all the things that has transpired in my life for the past few months.

I hope no one will be offended by some of the situations I describe in my post. In line with this, I do not aim to character assassinate anyone I describe on any of my post. I simply try my best to present what I see and feel.

Enjoy reading.



We should condemn this man's acts.

I am deeply bothered by the acts of this man- Anders Behring Breivik. Gone are the days of the crusades when killing an infidel is just and holy. In his case, he killed 93 innocent people. Regardless of their religion and beliefs, they should have been left in peace. Breivik should have considered that a life lived in peace is a much noble life and a life worth living. I am catholic, but I condemn the act of this man. If we have time, please let us all mourn and pray for the victims of this atrocious act. 

Please read through the Yahoo article.​uspect-deems-killings-atrociou​s-needed-013354792.html

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