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Dear Reader,

This blog came to life out of my frustration for a love I gained and lost. It reflects the things I have gone through so far. The emotions I felt are also expressed in words here, be it good or bad. It also aims to give sense to all the things that has transpired in my life for the past few months.

I hope no one will be offended by some of the situations I describe in my post. In line with this, I do not aim to character assassinate anyone I describe on any of my post. I simply try my best to present what I see and feel.

Enjoy reading.



I will miss you...

Dear Love,

You probably missed out that I do get hurt too. Her absence just hurts badly. I wish you take it away. I can’t explain how lost I am. She just left a hole right through my world- a void simply too big to fill. The words of people who try to help me only seem to clutter my mind. Perhaps I am meant to endure this emptiness until I find myself again.

All the doors shut on me now. But I still thank you for everything. For once I can prove that my heart still beats. That it is capable of loving, of enduring pain… The thought of her simply eats me inside. I wish I can say I hate her, but I can’t. How can I do so when she has always been the best part of me?

I am going to miss her smile… her gentleness that always extends its warmth. The amazing way she carries herself I will forever cherish. How she kindly encourages me each time I fall… It disappoints me to know that I can never hug her with such warmth. Her gentle stare each time she is troubled consumes me… My shoulder simply lost its purpose knowing she will not be there to lean on it whenever the wears of the world has worn her out… Her sweet caress I will definitely miss… The conversations we had will soon be but memories of what used to be. Our dreams will simply be painful thoughts of the past that will hunt me. She is a love that I gained and lost. Forever I guess wasn’t long enough.

I bid the thought her adieu. Love with her simply became bittersweet. Who would have thought it will come to this? I guess I will see her again when the hands of angels brushes away all my earthly worries. See you til then my love.

Yours always in love,

The Lost Me

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